N.Marko píše:Má někdo tušení, jak to spravit? Jen pro upozornění - hraju na konzolích a tohle je první PC hra za... no, hodně let, takže nějakou blbuvzdornou radu nemáte?
Něco z komentářů na MODDB:
Not sure if this works but heres the directions:
GoG version works fine with this mod, confirmed working the method instructed by death globe on neogaf.
"Use the standalone installer (from ModDB page) and ignore steam at the end.
Then download Kentie's launcher from kentie.net/article/dxguide/index.htm , extract it into your Deus Ex/System.
Make a copy of the Deusex.exe and rename it to Revision.exe
Now run the Revision.exe..configure it how you see fit...and finally in Data Directories make sure to check everything."
Only other issue was dx renderer has an texture too large error, but using open gl it all appears fine so far.
http://www.moddb.com/mods/deus-ex-revis ... x-revision
Podle reakcí z diskuzí na GOGu to funguje