Budu citovat z Readme souboru hry Constantine:
"If you have an old ATI card with no shader support, passing -disableRHWfix on the command line may improve performance. This disables a shader based workaround for an NVIDIA issue, which is not required for ATI cards.
If you don't have a card that supports vertex shaders (typically MX cards), you can expect extremely marginal performance, and strange looking TrueSight.
Disable the various effects to improve performance, pass -disableRHWfix as a command line if you have an ATI card.
If you don't have a graphics card that supports pixel shaders, TrueSight is seriously affected, and in some cases objects may appear un-textured and some areas may 'white out'."
Nicméně jestli ti to půjde, ti asi fakticky nikdo nezaručí - neber to jako provokaci, ale radši bych si nekoupil nějaký dvě hry a za ušetřený peníze koupil lepší grafiku - Radeon 9550 se prodává za cca 2300 Kč,- a bohatě stačí na většinu současných her (sám mám Radeon 9200 a zatím si nějak nestěžuju - pravda, Far Cry mi v tom moc nechodí