Tomb Raider 2 dejová línia

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Odeslat příspěvekod palllo 6. 7. 2005 12:07

Obcas si zahram tuto starenku a rád by som vedel aka je vlastne dejova linia. Viem len, ze sa jedná o díku s dracou silou (v srdci :-D) a ze mám zopár nepriatelov.

Kde by som mohol nájst popis k tejto hre? (návodou mám uy celu fúru.
First Blood

Odeslat příspěvekod tora_bora 6. 7. 2005 21:47

The dagger of Xian is a powerful artifact rumoured to have the power to turn its bearer into a dragon, after a certain ceremony where he or she has to press the dagger into his or her heart. It was first created by a cruel emperor who wanted to destroy his enemies and also, conquer new countries. He ruled China and the places he had conquered tyrannically. A group of Tibetan warrior monks managed to remove the dagger from the heart of the Xian emperor and hid it in a secret chamber in the Great Wall of China and gave their descenders the task to guard the dagger and fight against people who wanted Xian's powers for their own good. In this adventure, Lara searches for it against the megalomaniac Marco Bartoli, the Italian leader of Fiamma Nera. He wants to use the power of the dagger to rule the world and your job is to get to it first. To do that though, you must unlock the Sanctuary of the dagger. The problem is that the key is located somewhere in the snowy mountains of Tibet...

BTW muzes si zdarma stahnout datadisk Golden Mask, napriklad tady:;1634 ... einfo.html
Killing Spree
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Odeslat příspěvekod palllo 7. 7. 2005 08:01

A este o trochu rozsiahlejsi s podrobnejsim popisom levelov nepoznáte?
First Blood

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